I spotted this Moto Fino on Craigslist. Almost new and selling for only $1050. I called up the seller and arranged to come down on Thursday. I knew I'd probably buy it. It was one of the few scooters I'd seen selling for a reasonable sum and which had a title with it.
It's amazing how so many people are trying to sell titleless vehicles, and they try to convince me that it's EASY for me to get a title for them. Yeah, right. If it was so easy, I'd have one in hand for the Geely.
Not happening. Besides, if it's so easy, why don't they get a proper title before selling it?
But this scooter was different. 600 miles on it, pristine condition, and it was Green!
So we head out, I've got the cash in hand though I'm hoping I can talk him down by $100, which would put it more in line with my budget.
We hit traffic, and my boyfriend takes this roundabout way that I don't think was any faster than sitting in traffic. We get there half an hour early and the seller tells me he just sold it to someone else! Hello! Didn't I arrange to drive all the way out there!
I took a huge chunk of time out of my day. I was serious enough to come out to look at it, and this guy, who seemed very nice but daft (he was old) sold it over the phone knowing I was coming!
It might be a blessing in disguise. Maybe Moto Fino isn't a great brand of scooter, but it was waaayyy better than anything I'd seen so far. It was 150 cc, 100 cc higher than what most were selling. Perfect for me.
And now, I'm back to looking at possibly stolen Honda's and cheap Chinese crap.
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