Saturday, March 21, 2009

Preaching to the streets

I made my traditional weekly trip to the farmer's market, but instead of ZZ Top guy, standing outside was a group of well-dressed men. Interesting in this crummy, rundown town. But then I noticed one was standing by the street and talking. I thought maybe he was talking to someone in a car up ahead of me, but no. When I drove by I realized he was preaching ... to the street!
He was wearing a gray Members Only jacket and holding a small, black book, which I assume was the Bible but it could've been the Book of Mormon or something, and he was reading from it at the top of the lungs as cars passed by.
The gentlemen behind him were just standing around talking, but were all wearing suits, and at their feet were a couple of suitcases.
Maybe they were traveling preachers, don't know. Wasn't really interested in finding out.
Apparently they disrupted ZZ Top guy's day, but they also were scaring all the old people. I saw a white-haired couple walking from the parking lot suddenly doubletime it when they caught sight of the preachers. Didn't think folks that age could move that fast.

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