Saturday, June 28, 2008

Eurotrash — The group

This is not me by the way. And yes, I know it's not a scooter.

When I first drove into Pottstown it struck me as a microcosm of a city.
Rather tall buildings for a little town.
There was also a European flavor about it. Everything was walkable, there were parks everywhere, one with a flowing fountain downtown. The garden club keeps up the flowers hanging from lampposts and giant flowerpots in the business areas. There are also wooden park benches everywhere.
The buildings are mostly brick and dating from the 1800s. A lot of them could use fixing up and some have crappy vinyl and aluminum siding hiding them that dates to the 60s and 70s. But it has potential.
It now has an awesome coffee shop, Churchill's, that opened a year after I moved here. It's technically a chocolatier's, which is very European. How many towns can boast a chocolatier?
And it finally has a wine shop downtown, though it could use some asthetic improvements.
Which brings me round to the Eurotrash concept.
My boyfriend loves everything Euro: cafe racers, cool mini cars and coffee shops. So when the scooter became a reality he wanted to start a scooter club for all those folks who love everything Euro but were American. He wanted to call it the Eurotrash scooter club.
I guess the idea of it being "trash" is because we're American and really don't have the "Euro" thing down, but love the style. But we dumb down a cool pair of graphic but sexy shorts with flat sandals, which really doesn't look good, but hey, we're American and we love comfort.
Plus you really can't comfortably stop a scooter in high heels. Though I'm sure Italian women have figured it out.

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