Friday, July 3, 2009

Goodbye scooter??

Finally got my motorcycle permit and now there is a great dilemma — scooter or motobike?

Turns out the scooter my boyfriend picked up from his cousin is falling apart and really not worth fixing up, and I need something I can get past inspection if I want to ride around town.

I'd like a scooter, but even the used ones sell for upward of $2,000 ... way out of my price range.

So we looked at motorbikes, and there was a cool blue green one for sale near my parents in Jersey. Problem is, motorcycles aren't really meant for carrying things like grocery and video cameras (for work). So what do I do? I'd like to make some decision before my pa. motorcycle class at the end of the month but I'm not sure where else to look. So far cycletrader, eBay and craigslist have been a bust.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't leave the scooter world! You'd have to rename your blog "KycleKitten"!!! Get a 125cc and add carrying cases of some sort to lug your groceries. I ride a Buddy (only 50cc though) and I love it. But, I guess I'm a big timid about the idea of "too much" power in my ride. All the best with your decision! Have a safe ride!